Thursday, June 20, 2024 | 18:47 WIB

MRP Proposes Proliferation of Mimika in Meeting with Jokowi


Jakarta, IO – The Papuan People’s Council (MRP) is proposing administrative proliferation of Mimika during a meeting with President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo at the Merdeka Palace, Jakarta, Wednesday (12/6).

MRP Central Papua chairman Agustinus Anggaibak proposed that Mimika be proliferated into Mimika regency, East Mimika regency, and Timika municipality to accelerate development and economic growth in Papua.

“This is the aspiration of the community, so we conveyed it to the president,” said Agustinus, per Katadata.

“The proliferation of several provinces is good for Papuan development and economy.”

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Agustinus was accompanied by five other MRP chairmen from across Papua. In addition to Jokowi, they also submitted the proposal to Home Minister Tito Karnavian and Political, Legal and Security Affairs Chief Minister Hadi Tjahjanto. (un)


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