Friday, June 21, 2024 | 13:04 WIB

Indonesia offers condolences over the death of Malawi vice president in plane crash


Jakarta, IO – The government through the Foreign Ministry (Kemlu) expressed its condolences over the death of Malawi Vice President Saulos Chilima.

He was reported killed in a plane crash along with nine other people on Monday (10/6). The accident was allegedly caused by bad weather.

“The Indonesian government expresses its deepest condolences for the death of the Vice President of the Republic of Malawi, the Honorable Dr Saulos Klaus Chilima and accompanying delegation in the plane crash in Malawi,” Kemlu said in a post on X, Wednesday (12/6).

“Our prayers go out to the bereaved families and the people of Malawi,” it added.

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The plane’s wreckage was found one day after the accident in a forested area. Malawi President Lazarus Chakwera announced the unfortunate incident. He even called the accident a “terrible tragedy.”

“The search and rescue team have found the aircraft … completely destroyed with no survivors, as all passengers on board were killed on impact,” Mr. Chakwera said, addressing the nation. (un)


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