Thursday, June 20, 2024 | 18:49 WIB

Indonesia, China boost cooperation in investment, manpower


Jakarta, IO – The Indonesian government through the Manpower Ministry (Kemnaker) enhanced cooperation with the People’s Republic of China in the fields of investment and manpower.

This was the results of a meeting between Deputy Manpower Minister Afriansyah Noor with the Chair of the Hunan Legislative Council Zhang Jianfei on Tuesday (7/5), per Detikcom, Thu (9/5).

Some of the agenda under discussion are development of training programs and improvement of public services quality to meet the needs of the industry.

“The cooperation can include the exchange of experiences and best practices in the exchange of information and regulations, methods, and the development of IT-based public services,” said Afriansyah.

In addition, they discussed opportunities for cooperation in the fields of technological innovation in the form of technology transfer and joint research, regarding improving the quality of public services.

There is also a discussion about efforts to boost investment and entrepreneurship in sectors that can create jobs, including through support for local and foreign companies who want to invest or do business in both countries.

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“Indonesia has the potential to provide skilled labor in various sectors, including information technology, manufacturing and services, which can court investment in industrial and service development,” he explained.

Afriansyah revealed that currently the government has also set work standards, minimum wages and social security to protect workers’ rights. He was hopeful that this measure can create a stable and sustainable business environment. (un)


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