Monday, May 13, 2024 | 01:51 WIB

E-voting in village elections

Next, the voter only need to confirm by touching OK, or CANCEL is they wish to make a change. The screen will again show all the contestants. 

Of course, there are also those who oppose it, including a number of NGOs. Their argument: e-voting is threatening ‘’local wisdom.” The old ways will be gone. 

These include the use of symbols representing the candidate. In the past, candidate ‘’symbols’’ used in the ballot were taken from the natural surroundings, such as banana, coconut or corn. 

The box itself is made from a hollow bamboo segment called bumbung. The ballot is in the form of a stick, about 10 cm long. The stick is then inserted into the tube. 

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After voting is complete, the bamboo is split open using a gobang (a type of machete). The sticks inside are counted. The one with the most sticks wins. 

If there is only one candidate, there must still be competition. A nameless bumbung will be provided. Sometimes it would get more votes, which means the election has to be annulled. 

If e-voting takes hold, all this will be lost. It is sad, indeed. Even now, much of that has been gone. Who knows, it may be necessary to preserve one village, only one, which still uses the traditional method. To preserve the anti-progress symbol.