Saturday, June 22, 2024 | 17:54 WIB


Women’s vulnerability to violence

Cases of domestic violence (KDRT) have recently been highlighted, involving a housewife who is also a general practitioner, Qori Ulfiyah Ramayanti (37). Qori, who was six months pregnant at the time, is trending on social media after escaping her house due to domestic abuse. Qori’s husband is known to be unemployed and filming his daily activities for a YouTube channel. Another case of violence has attracted public attention: the alleged rape of a café waitress by the Regent of Southeast Maluku, M. Thaher Hanubun. The Maluku Regional Police have stated that they will not dismiss the case, despite the family’s request for case withdrawal (BBC News, September 21, 2023). 

Geopolitics and economics if Trump becomes President

I mentioned before that certain pundits, such as Financial Times Editor Gillian Tett, and former Advisor to President Obama David Axelrod, wrote ‘Do not discount the chance for a Trump second term’ and ‘that President Biden should reconsider his bid for re-election, due to his age’ Those, plus polling that confirms 70 percent of GOP voters do believe Trump’s lies about the 2020 election results, as well as a weakening approval rating for President Biden, and a possible renegade like Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia who wants to run as a third-party candidate – which for sure will take away votes from Biden.

Constitutional Court’s age decision favors the young

The world seems puzzled by the recent buzz in Indonesia’s election process. Why puzzled? Because many democracy activists questioned or rejected the Constitutional Court’s decision allowing Indonesian citizens below 40 years of age to qualify as presidential or vice-presidential candidates.

Accelerating the adoption of agricultural technology

The impact of an extreme drought caused by El Niño has tended to compromise Indonesia’s staple food production. Generally, people have to bear with skyrocketing prices of rice, paying up to IDR 15,000/kg, as a result of a plunge in food production. The swelling food prices contribute to the rate of inflation and declining purchasing power. 

Pope Francis, Prabowo Subianto and the impoverished and marginalized

This article depicts the words Prabowo conveyed when I previously met him on two different occasions. They represent General Prabowo’s feelings, thoughts, ideas and compassion for the vulnerable people in Indonesia and around the world.

The people of Maluku deserve comfortable public transportation

People who reside on Java are privileged to enjoy the convenience of public transportation, which is not the case for those living in Maluku Province. Public transportation in this province is far from decent, let alone comfortable. With the operation of Jakarta-Bandung WHOOSH high-speed rail, the gap between public transportation services on the main island and the regions has become more overwhelming.

Restoring people power through resolutions

Eliminating the superlative subjective authority of the Indonesian People’s Consultative Assembly (MPR) is tantamount to diminishing the highest power of a sovereign people. People’s power determines the direction of the nation-state and should be restored to complement the power to elect the president and the members of Parliament. 

Presidential election registration is complete

By the early afternoon of Wednesday, October 25, 2023, the process of registration of Candidates for President and Vice President in the 2024 Election was completed. Indonesia now has three pairs of candidates for President and Vice President: Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar, Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD, and Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka. They are supported, respectively, by the NASDEM Party, PKB and the PKS Party, PDI-P, and a Coalition of GERINDRA Party, GOLKAR, DEMOKRAT, PAN and BULAN BINTANG Parties. 

The repercussions of the Palestine-Israel conflict on Indonesia’s economy

The global economy is facing unprecedented challenges, with the conflict in the Middle East between Palestine and Israel and the unceasing Russia-Ukraine war. 

Towards an Inclusive Bureaucracy: Disability Inclusion in the Public Sector

An estimated 23 million persons with disabilities (PWD) in Indonesia lack access to crucial supportive technologies. This could cost the global economy up to 7% on average of annual GDP – one of the outcomes of a public discussion on disability inclusion by KATALIS, a program sponsored by the Indonesia – Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (IA-CEPA) in Jakarta, on 26 September 2023.

The dynamic of spreading international peace through multilateral diplomacy: reflection for the 78th United Nations birthday celebration

On October 24, the United Nations, as the largest international organization, will shortly celebrate its 78th anniversary. The moment of celebration becomes such an awaited-time to show a more charismatic posture of UN performance itself before the international public, where their states are members. During the establishment of the UN, it seems this expectation was dynamic.

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