Monday, June 24, 2024 | 19:58 WIB


Jokowi Refuses to Comment on MK Decision on Presidential Candidate Qualification

President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo refused to make further comment on yesterday's decision by the Constitutional Court (MK) to amend the qualification of presidential and vice presidential candidate to participate to contest the 2024 elections.

MK Rejects Judicial Review on President, VP Candidates’ Minimum Age

The Constitutional Court (MK) rejected the petition to amend Law 7/2017 on General Elections which stipulated the minimum age requirement for presidential and vice presidential candidates.

Police Chief issues directive to postpone election contenders’ legal process

National Police (Polri) chief Gen. Listyo Sigit Prabowo issued a directive on the temporary postponement of the legal process involving participants of General Elections 2024.

Whoosh tickets will be sold commercially, here’s a hint of the fare

The Jakarta-Bandung High Speed Railway (KCJB), known popularly as Whoosh, will end its free public trial phase this week. This means that starting next week (16/10), passengers will have to pay a full commercial fare.

Predicted to win against Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia will not underestimate its opponent

The Indonesian national men’s football team (Timnas) will face off against Brunei Darussalam tonight, Thursday (12/10), at 7pm WIB at the Gelora Bung Karno Stadium (GBK), Jakarta. This match is part of the first leg of the 2026 Pre-World Cup. The second leg will held in Brunei Darussalam on Tuesday (17/10), per

Indonesia Elected as Member of the UN Human Rights Council, Representing Asia Pacific

Indonesia has been elected as a member of the United Nations (UN) Human Rights Council (HAM) for the 2024-26 period, representing the Asia Pacific region.

589 collections identified after museum fire

A total of 589 of the 871 collections affected by fire at the Indonesian National Museum (MNI) have been successfully identified.

Kontras spotlights 27 death penalties in one year, highlighting long and difficult road to abolition

The Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence (Kontras) highlights the death penalty that still occurs in Indonesia. The NGO recorded 27 verdicts from October 2022 to September 2023.

Domestic Workers demand PPRT Bill Passage Through Film “Mengejar Mbak Puan”

The documentary film entitled "Mengejar Mbak Puan" produced by the Konde Institute, Perempuan Mahardhika and JALA PRT will be screened for the first time in front of the House of Representatives building, Jakarta, Thursday (12/10).

KPAI records 2,355 cases of violence against children from January-August

This figure was revealed by the Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI). Of that, 861 occurred within the educational settings. KPAI elaborated that the cases consisted of sexual violence (487), physical/psychological violence (236), bullying (87), violence induced by school policies (87) and violence due to inadequate school facilities (27), per Kompas, Tuesday (10/10).

After 6 decades, badminton medal slips away at the 2023 Asian Games

Indonesia’s uninterrupted badminton medal tradition at the Asian Games came to an end after six decades when Fajar Alfian and Muhammad Rian Ardianto lost in the quarter-finals of the men’s doubles event at the 2023 Asian Games in Hangzhou.

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