Saturday, June 29, 2024 | 18:28 WIB

All regions in Indonesia have been exposed to online gambling, task force finds


Jakarta, IO – Online Gambling Eradication Task Force Hadi Tjahjanto revealed that all regions have been exposed to online gambling in a sign of how pervasive the scourge is, addiction to which has ruined many lives. 

Hadi, who is also the coordinating political, legal and security affairs minister, said the data was obtained from the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK).

“The most exposed province is West Java with 535,644 players and Rp3.8 trillion worth of transactions,” said Hadi, per Detikcom, Thu (27/6).

The second province with the most gamblers is Jakarta (238,568) with a transaction value of Rp2.3 trillion.

“Coming third is Central Java, where 201,963 people playing online gambling involving Rp1.3 trillion of money in circulation. Fourth is East Java with 135,227 actors involving Rp1.015 trillion worth of transactions,” he said.

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Meanwhile, the fifth province is Banten with 105,302 online gambling players and money circulation reaching Rp1.002 trillion.

In terms of money in circulation, West Jakarta City is the highest (Rp792 billion), followed by Bogor City (Rp612 billion), Bogor regency (Rp567 billion), East Jakarta (Rp480 billion) and North Jakarta City (Rp430 billion). (un)


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