Thursday, June 20, 2024 | 18:56 WIB

Airlangga: 38 Countries Support Indonesia’s OECD Membership


Jakarta, IO – Thirty-eight member countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) are said to have approved Indonesia to become a member of the organization. This was conveyed directly by the Coordinating Economic Minister Airlangga Hartarto.

Airlangga even said that he had received the roadmap for Indonesia’s accession into OECD. Another country that has accepted this roadmap is Argentina, per Detikcom.

He said achieving this trust was not an easy matter. However, he explained that Indonesia’s joining the OECD is important considering that Indonesia is currently carrying out major bureaucratic reforms.

“Our first reform during Covid-19 was the Jobs Creation Law, we revised more than 60 laws. Next implementation was through the OECD and they have a lot of data and a lot of standards,” he said.

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Airlangga also said by joining the OECD Indonesia can enjoy many benefits especially in terms of incoming investment to accelerate the country’s development. Thus, Indonesia has also been active in collaborating with other countries through economic cooperations.

“We are very ready the meet the international standards. Of course, we hope that our economic growth will increase further. By entering the OECD, there will also be a lot of investment,” he said. (un)


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