Wednesday, June 26, 2024 | 21:55 WIB

Job Training for Gen Zs to help them enter the professional world

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Jakarta, IO – A number of participants took part in barista training at the Regional Job Training Center (PPKD), Jakarta, Tuesday (21/5). According to data from the Statistics Indonesia (BPS), 10 million young Indonesians aged 15-24 are still unemployed. Currently, the number of openly unemployed in Indonesia is dominated by young people aged 18 to 24.

The government continues to strive to offer relevant education and job training that is oriented toward the needs of the labor market. Thus, PPKD is tasked with providing free job training to 320 participants from 16 vocations in the first batch.

This training is not only open to Gen Zs, but also to those aged 50 and above, as long as they are willing to learn and apply their knowledge to prospective jobs. Priority is given to Jakarta residents. However, for citizens living in Jakarta but do not have Jakarta ID card, they can still take part by submitting a cover letter from their RT/RW (neighbourhood/community unit) of origin.

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After graduating from this training, participants will be channelled to companies that collaborate with PPKD. It is hoped that they can gain useful skills and knowledge and become competent, work-ready workforce.

(IO/Faisal Ramadhan)

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