Wednesday, June 26, 2024 | 10:10 WIB

Singapore is facing a new wave of Covid-19, estimated to peak at end of June


Jakarta, IO – Singapore is experiencing Covid-19 resurgence which began in early May. The country’s health minister Ong Ye Kung said the peak is predicted to be in the next two to four weeks, or around the end of June.

“We are at the beginning of a wave where cases continue to increase,” said Ong, per The Straits Times, Mon (20/5).

Covid-19 cases in the island state as of May 11 stood at 25,900, with hospitalization rate increasing from 181 to 250 in the previous week.

The government advised the vulnerable groups to get booster vaccination. These include individuals aged 60 years and older and those with comorbidities.

Ong also directed hospitals and health workers to prepare for the peak of the wave. According to him, Singapore experienced this peak wave earlier than other countries because it is a transportation and communication hub. However, the Singapore government has no plans to implement social restriction measures.

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Globally, the dominant Covid-19 variant is still JN.1 and derivatives of the main variant, including KP.1 and KP.2 which account for more than two-thirds of cases in Singapore and are said to be highly transmissible and able to cause more severe disease. (bp)


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