Sunday, June 23, 2024 | 06:25 WIB

A week of pursuing immunization for Indonesia Sehat


Jakarta, IO – Indonesian children have the right to survive, grow, and develop and have the right to protection from violence and discrimination. Article 44 paragraph 2 of Law Number 17 of 2023 concerning Health states that every baby and child has the right to receive immunization, while paragraph 3 states that the family, central government, regional government, and the community must support the immunization of babies and children. 

Immunization is individual protection and forms a herd immunity. Immunization will trigger the formation of specific antibodies against certain diseases. High and equitable immunization coverage can build group immunity and protect vulnerable groups in society. Two to three million deaths can be prevented every year with immunization. Immunization can prevent more than 26 diseases, helping to reduce the occurrence of antibiotic resistance because it can prevent disease at an early stage. 

“Increasing immunization coverage globally could save more than 1.5 million people every year. However, as of April 2024, no province has reached the target of the routine immunization program, specifically complete basic immunization (IDL) and complete immunization for children under two years old. The three largest districts/cities with the highest IDL achievements are South Tangerang City (Banten Province) 49.54%, followed by Denpasar City (Bali) 43.09%, Batang Regency (Central Java), while for under two years are West Jakarta 52.42%, Batang Regency 42.60%, and West Sumbawa Regency (West Nusa Tenggara) 38.31%,” said dr. Sulistya Widada, Directorate of Immunization Management, Ministry of Health, in the online webinar “A Week in Chasing Immunization” which was held on Tuesday (14/5/2024). 

Prof. Dr. dr. Hartono Gunardi, Sp.A(K)
Prof. Dr. dr. Hartono Gunardi, Sp.A(K) (IO/Esti)

It was revealed that during 2018- 2023 zero dose immunizations were 1,356,367, including the top three, namely Aceh Province 254,727, Riau 163,466, and West Sumatra 152,162. In the One Week Pursuing Immunization (PENARI) event, immunization activities are carried out simultaneously nationally for one week at integrated service posts, community health centers, and other health service facilities, as well as designated immunization posts. 

“The aim is to increase complete routine immunization coverage for infants, children aged under two years, and elementary school-age children. Targeted infants (aged 0-11 months), under two years old, and elementary school-aged children, who have never received or have not yet completed the immunization dose according to schedule. PENARI is held three times a year: at World Immunization Week in the 4th week of April, August 17, and National Health Day on November 12,” he explained. 

Safe Double Injection 

On the same occasion, Prof. Dr. dr. Hartono Gunardi, Sp.A(K), from Indonesian Pediatrics Society (IDAI) Immunization Task Force, emphasized that children’s basic needs include asah (nutrition, immunization), asih (affection), asuh (developmental stimulation). Immunization is an effective way to avoid those specific diseases that can be prevented (PD3I); immunization is one children’s right and a child’s basic need for care, compassion, and concern; to get effective protection, children need to get complete routine immunization. 

Read: Indonesia’s Campaign Against TB In The Workplace

“Children who have not received immunization or are incomplete can receive catch-up immunization. Complete the remaining immunizations, without having to repeat them from the beginning. Get multiple injections, which are proven to be safe, effective, and efficient. The first injection is in the left thigh, the second injection is at least 2.5 cm from the first injection, and the third injection is in the right thigh. The advantage of multiple injections is that they provide timely protection (as quickly as possible), reduce the number of visits, trauma, anxiety, pain, and increase efficiency and coverage,” he stated. 

In the pain-reducing procedure of multiple injections, the less painful vaccine is given first (Pentavalent, IPV), while the most painful injection is given last (PVC and MMR). “Distract the child’s attention. Place the position depending on age. Babies are in the caregiver’s lap, older children are in a sitting position, while children with a history of syncope (decreased consciousness) should sleep,” he warned. (est)


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