Sunday, May 5, 2024 | 01:38 WIB

Sandiaga Uno: 1500 visits, spreading optimism & new hope

Vice presidential candidate serial number 02 Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno’s visit to Darul Ibtida Al Malibar Islamic School in Tangerang, Banten on January 6, 2019 at 22.00 WIB was his one thousandth visit during his time campaigning to various regions. During this time, the national public has been astonished by the enthusiastic reception Sandiaga has received during his visits. The former Jakarta deputy governor expressed his gratitude and held a ceremony to celebrate his one thousandth campaign visit in the Prabowo-Sandiaga National Secretariat in Jalan Hos. Cokroaminoto, North Jakarta, Monday (6/1) at 18.00 WIB. “If the people use to come only to be given money, now I see many come with enthusiasm to donate some of theirs to help the struggle and express their hopes such as in the letters I have received in the 999th place in Almusariah Islamic School,” said Sandiaga.

In the third debate, which put the candidate’s vision and missions against one another, in the Sultan Hotel Ballroom, North Jakarta, Sandi stated that in 7 months he had visited 1500 places in various regions. Visiting people from one city to another has allowed him to with various segments of the public. There were many aspirations, complaints, suggestions, and hopes expressed by the citizens to Sandiaga. Sandiaga stated that the people want jobs, the youth want business opportunities, mothers want affordable basic commodities, education, healthcare, and electricity. “In order to address complaints from the public, Prabowo-Sandi have solutions starting from education, healthcare, and jobs,” said Sandiaga in the debate on Sunday (17/03/2019).

Interestingly, other than receiving an incredible reception from the people in the various regions he visited, Sandi has also received donations, such as when Sandi attended the opening of the a Prabowo-Sandiaga post in Surabaya-East Java. There Sandiaga received Rp 6,109,000 from the people. The same happened with the Mothers Party who donated Rp 1,500,000 to the Prabowo-Sandiaga campaign. As of December 2018, Prabowo-Sandi have received donations from the public totaling Rp 144 million. The donations increased after the first presidential debate and totaled Rp 246 million by the end of January. “In every visit I receive donations. So, it isn’t me who is giving money like old political campaigns. In contemporary politics we are given money and the total is Rp 6,109,000, from Mr. Wawan, head of the volunteers here, we also received Rp 98 thousand,” said Sandiaga

Here are some of Sandiaga’s visits to various regions in the nation, where he received such an enthusiastic reception from the people who want new leaders for a better Indonesia. (D. Ramdani)

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