Thursday, June 20, 2024 | 18:29 WIB

World Water Forum, Tourism and the Jokowi-Prabowo Attitude of Statesmen

Jakarta, IO – The World Water Forum (WWF) recently held in Indonesia has become a historic moment for Indonesia on the international stage. The Forum is not only a place to discuss critical water-related issues but also one to display Indonesia’s exceptional tourism and the statesmanship of two national leaders: incumbent Indonesian President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo and President-elect Prabowo Subianto. 

Tourism and World Water Forum 

By holding the World Water Forum, Indonesia confirms its commitment to properly address global water issues, since WWF is the largest international forum of its type. Among the world leaders attending this event were Qohir Rasulzoda, Prime Minister of Tajikistan, Ranil Wickremesinghe, President of Sri Lanka, Ratu Wiliame Maivalili Katonivere, President of Fiji, Dato Sri Haji Fadillah Bin Haji Yusof, Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia and John Rosso, Deputy Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea. 

Also present in the meeting were World Water Council (WWC) President Loïc Fauchon, United Nations (UN) General Assembly President Dennis Francis, former Hungarian President Janos Ader, French special envoy Barbara Pompili and Dutch special envoy Meike van Ginneken. 

The World Water Forum provides Indonesia an opportunity to promote its natural beauty and local culture, highlighting such popular destinations as Bali as well as hidden gems like Lake Toba. In a number of ways, the Forum offers a significant boost to Indonesia’s tourism sector. 

Jokowi and Prabowo’s statesmanship 

During the World Water Forum, President Jokowi demonstrated his statesmanship by introducing Prabowo as the President-elect. Not only does this reflect a peaceful and democratic transition of power, it also confirms Indonesia’s continued commitment to environmental issues, particularly water sustainability. 

In his speech, Jokowi emphasized the importance of water-related programs implemented during his leadership, and expressed confidence that Prabowo would continue and enhance these programs. “I am confident that under Mr. Prabowo’s leadership, Indonesia will continue to play an active role in conserving world water. The programs that we have implemented together will be continued and developed,” said Jokowi. 

Taufan Rahmadi
Taufan Rahmadi, Special staff member of the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy during 2014–2019, and serving with the Tourism SEZ Team at the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, since 2022

Prabowo and the Commitment to Water Self-Sufficiency 

On various occasions, Prabowo has demonstrated the Asta Cita vision (the eight missions of Prabowo-Gibran) and his commitment to the urgent global issue of water sustainability. Asta Cita emphasizes programs to improve the quality of nutrition, to access clean water and upgrade community sanitation in the effort to overcome the threat of stunting or malnutrition. 

Meanwhile, to provide clean water, Prabowo-Gibran will expand the water catchment program and build water reservoirs, including a clean-water pipeline program that can ensure equal availability of potable water across all regions. 

Prabowo states that one of his main priorities is ensuring the sustainability of water resources for future generations. During his service as Defense Minister, Prabowo has intensively collaborated with scientists from Indonesia Defense University to build clean water points. 

A total of 120 new water source points were built for communities in Maluku, East Nusa Tenggara, West Nusa Tenggara and a number of provinces on the island of Java, such as West Java, Central Java, Banten and Yogyakarta. 

The Prabowo-Gibran administration will also be committed to implementing water self-sufficiency by continuously providing assistance in drilling water sources in remote areas, revitalizing river watersheds and installing water pipelines. 

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The successful World Water Forum in Indonesia has not only served as a venue for a global discussion on water-related issues but also became a stage for Indonesia to promote the beauty of its tourism and show the statesmanship of its leaders. 

Jokowi’s introduction of Prabowo as President-elect at this forum marks a harmonious transition of power and continued commitment to the issue of water sustainability. 

Hence, Indonesia demonstrates its active role in international forums and how secure the country is as a global tourism destination. It also shows maturity and political wisdom, which is commended by the international community.