Thursday, June 20, 2024 | 18:38 WIB

UN Women extends WEPs Award registration until June 30 to foster gender equality in workplace


Jakarta, IO – UN Women, supported by the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) and the European Union, has opened registration for the UN Women Indonesia Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs) Awards 2024.

UN Women Indonesia representative Dwi Faiz stated that the WEPs Awards seeks to appreciate best good practices of companies and business leaders in taking action to advance gender equality and women’s empowerment. Registration is open until June 30.

“Achieving women’s economic empowerment means removing barriers and opening up opportunities at various levels,” said Dwi in an official statement, Friday (14/6).

Meanwhile, European Union ambassador to Indonesia and Brunei Darussalam, Denis Chaibi, emphasized that women’s empowerment is more than a moral obligation that must be implemented. It is also the key to sustainability.

“Gender equality and women’s empowerment are not just moral obligations but are also important for society to develop,” he said.

“In addition to economic benefits, promoting gender equality and empowering women in business will also foster a more inclusive, equitable and cohesive society where everyone has a greater chance of success.” 

The awards consist of six categories aimed at companies and individuals for initiatives to promote gender equality. Some of them are gender-inclusive workplaces and community engagement and partnership collaboration categories.

Companies and entrepreneurs to industry associations can register their initiatives by filling out an online form at The winners will be selected by a panel of judges and announced in October in Jakarta.

In Indonesia itself, several women and companies have won the awards. One of them is PT Pertamina finance director Emma Sri Martini, the 2022 awardee in the Leadership Commitment category.

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She is recognized for her role in realizing the company’s strong commitment to encouraging the presence of policies, regulations or practices to advance gender equality in the workplace.

Since 2021, Emma has led the Pertamina’s female worker community Pertiwi which was formed to implement a gender equality socialization education program.

“Pertiwi was formed as an inclusive forum for Pertamina’s female workers to improve their abilities and prepare cadres of leaders to contribute to society and the global community,” said Emma. (un)


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