Sunday, June 23, 2024 | 09:27 WIB

SOE Ministry to trial four-day workweek


Jakarta, IO – The State-Owned Enterprises (SOE) Ministry is conducting a trial on the implementation of four-day workweek system or the Compressed Work Schedule (CWS) program in the next three months.

The ministry’s secretary Rabin Indrajad Hattari said that the program will apply to Echelon II and higher staffers and its effectiveness will be evaluated after it concludes.

“We will assess whether or not it will lead to increased productivity,” said Rabin, per CNBC Indonesia, Tue (11/6).

According to Rabin, work-life balance will be one of the criteria in the assessment. “The managers must also be able to ensure that their teams are given the opportunities to enjoy work-life balance because that is essential,” he said.

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“At the initial stage, the program will be implemented within the SOE Ministry before being expanded to other SOEs,” explained Rabin.

The trial is the follow-up to a well-being survey carried out by the ministry in early 2024. The findings showed that the respondents expect improved quality of life that comes from less stressful job that can give them satisfaction, happiness and sound physical, social and mental health. (un)


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