Sunday, June 23, 2024 | 10:44 WIB

One drop, a million meanings


World Blood Donor Day

Jakarta, IO – “World Blood Donor Day” is celebrated every year on June 14. The theme for World Blood Donor Day 2024 is “20 Years of Celebrating Giving: Thank You Blood Donors!” In a talk show with the theme “One Drop, Millions of Meanings” which was held on Tuesday (11/6/2024), dr. J. Nethasia Louhenapessy, M.Biomed, said that blood donation activities mean donating blood voluntarily to patients who need blood, including those with leukemia, thalassemia, mothers who are about to give birth, cancer patients, etc. 

“From clinical experience, there are three types of blood donors. First, donors who come voluntarily to the Blood Transfusion Unit at the hospital, and selflessly donate blood to patients in need. Second, replacement blood donors, the person concerned knows the one their blood will be donated to, usually family or close relatives. Third, paid donors: they donate blood, expecting compensation from the families of patients who need a transfusion, but not much and generally not openly,” she said. 

According to the biomedical master who works at Fatmawati Hospital, Jakarta, many people are still doubtful, even though there are many benefits that can be obtained from donating blood. These include maintaining heart health, reducing the risk of stroke, and preventing the accumulation of iron in the body, since after donation, the bone marrow will produce new blood cells that are rich in oxygen, so that the body feels fitter. 

“Donating blood means doing good for others. Psychologically, helping others can prolong life. Moreover, prospective donors get the benefit of being able to ascertain their own health condition for free, namely, their hemoglobin levels before donating and having their blood checked in the laboratory for four types of infectious infections: Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, HIV/AIDS and syphilis. The examination uses a thorough test, not a rapid test,” she explained. 

dr. J. Nethasia Louhenapessy, M.Biomed
dr. J. Nethasia Louhenapessy, M.Biomed. (Source: FATMAWATI HOSPITAL)

Only 10-15 Minutes 

The process of donating blood is very easy and the time required is very short – only 10-15 minutes. “Prospective donors can register online or come to the Blood Transfusion Unit, then fill in the link to donate blood. A doctor will take an anamnesis on the condition of the donor to see if he is healthy. If they meet the criteria, donors are required to wash both arms with soap and running water. The donor lies down, in a comfortable position. After that, start the process of transferring the blood into sterile blood bags of 350 or 450 cc for donors weighing more than 60 kg. The process doesn’t take long: it should be over in 10-15 minutes.” 

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So, what are the requirements for donating blood? 

“What is certain is that you must be physically and mentally healthy. Age 17 to 65 years, minimum weight 45 kg, body temperature 36-37 degrees Celsius, systolic blood pressure 100-150 mmHg, diastolic 70-100 mmHg, pulse 50-100 times per minute, hemoglobin 12.5-17 grams per dL, 6-8 hours of sleep the previous night. If you do not meet these requirements, you may not qualify to be a donor. The prospective donor should not be taking blood-thinning medication or if diabetic, taking insulin injections,” she answered. 

It was explained that there only a few side effects that were complained of after donating. “You could have bruises on your arms or feel dizzy if your body is not ft. However, all of this will usually subside by itself after the donor rests at the recovery house. Considering the benefits, let’s make blood donation a lifestyle choice because one drop of our blood has a million meanings and can save lives.” (est)


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