Growing up with Pokemon


Raditya Dika, Stand Up Comedian

Jakarta, IO – An adult’s creative process may be influenced by their passions dating from when they were young. This is also what happened to Raditya Dika (39), a famous stand-up comedian, who is also a writer, director, actor, and Indonesian YouTube personality. In his teens, he was exposed to many games, one of which was Pokémon, a media franchise owned by Nintendo and created by Satoshi Tajiri in 1995. This game is very popular with this father of two children, aged 5 and 3.5 years. 

Young Raditya grew up with Pokemon. He admitted that he collects items from Pokemon characters. Pokemon are grouped into various types, based on their characteristics, including Pikachu, Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle, Sandshrew, Jigglypuff, Lapras, Dratini, Cyndaquil, Sableye, Piplup, Pancham, Rowlet, Grookey, and Mew. Pikachu is an electronic type, has electricity storage bags on both cheeks and when angry, releases all the electricity that has been collected. Another is Mew, which has the genetic composition of all Pokemon and can become invisible at will and approach people without them realizing it. 

“That’s why I was very happy when I was told that Oreo was collaborating with Pokemon. Pokemon is one of the iconic characters that accompanied my childhood until this current time. The computer gaming chair at home has a picture of the character Pikachu. I also wear shoes with the character of Squirtle,” he said, at the launch of the “Iconic Collaboration of Oreo with Pokemon in Indonesia” which was held on Friday (3/5/2024). Raditya was accompanied by his wife, actor Anissa Aziza.

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Raditya explained that his liking for Pokémon was passed onto his children. In between his busy activities, Raditya still wants to take the time to introduce the iconic Pokemon characters to his children. “I am blessed, both of my children like Pokemon. When we spend time together we have to have fun, when we work, our time is limited. I told Annisa, if we have time, the children deserve to have fun.” Anissa then chimed in, “Usually it’s when the kids have snack time or at the weekend, and they enjoy themselves.” (est)