Sunday, May 5, 2024 | 14:58 WIB


Transforming Gaza from Crisis to a Complex Strategic Quandary

The situation in Gaza has evolved into a multifaceted challenge that defies easy resolution. External interference, the absence of regional cooperation, and intense political disputes among international stakeholders have collectively fostered a state of “political inertia” within the international community. Consequently, international security mechanisms struggle to broker a meaningful ceasefire that adequately addresses humanitarian concerns.

War for Profit: Implications of the Growing Private Security Industry

The private security industry mostly entails Private Military and Security Companies (PMSC) which offer military services all around the world to national governments, international organizations and non-state actors in exchange for monetary profits. They engage in various activities, from conducting small training missions to deploying combat units comprising several hundred trained soldiers armed with some of the best weaponry, including tanks and attack helicopters. However, they not only work regarding battlefield operations, but also offer knowledge and strategies on how to attack and defend in different types of conflicts. 

The Green Transition for Indonesia isn’t a Choice; But it is an Opportunity

Indonesia is the world’s largest archipelago with more than 17,500 islands. Stretched between the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean, it is considered to be a ‘biodiversity hotspot’ ‘, enjoying vast tropical forests and marine habitats. However, this diverse climate and topography that blesses the country with plenty of natural resources, is also a major factor in making it one of the most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. 

Resettlement of the Gaza as a realistic pathway to the two-state solution

I propose the resettlement the people of Gaza in the West Bank in exchange for the permanent withdrawal of Israeli settlements and the establishment of a sovereign Palestinian state. The new Palestine ought to be enfolded within a security arrangement overseen by Jordan, Israel, the US and other multi-lateral partners (e.g. UN, Arab League). A material aid package from the US or international working group will establish the foundations of a modern economy. 

Vertical Integration of Chinese Companies on Rare Earth Minerals Production as Strategic Supremacy

Vertical integration is a strategic move in business techniques to extend its operationalization in the same company or industry in the way that the production process is controlled by the same company either upstream towards the source or raw material or consumers at downstream levels. It allows the company to make strong footprints in supply chains, cost control, and improve efficiency and enhance its competitive positions in this way. 

“If You Meet the Buddha on the Road”: The Problem of Religious Terrorism in Northeast Asia

Experts on Political Violence, especially religious terrorism, can easily point to themes by region. In the Middle East, fundamentalist Islamist organizations object to their way of life being challenged by modernity or by western culture. In Europe, hard-right organizations react violently to influxes of migrants and refugees. In North America, ethno-nationalist supporters of hard-right politicians react violently to the feeling that they are under threat – at times using the language of Christian Dominionism or a Huntingtonian clash of civilizations. 

China may play crucial role in Achieving peace in the Middle-East

The historical bonds between the Arab world and China date back centuries, with the Silk Road acting as a conduit for the exchange of goods, ideas, and cultures. The ancient cities of the Arabian Peninsula and China were vibrant hubs of trade and intellectual exchange, fostering a sense of mutual respect and understanding. 

Federal Court of Australia asked to intervene over Montara compensation fund

The Federal Court of Australia was asked to intervene in the disbursement of compensation funds for seaweed farmers affected by Montara oil spill because so far they have yet to receive the settlement as promised.

Inclusive National Dialogue Only Respite for ASEAN’s Solution in the Ongoing Myanmar Strife

Coup d’état is not a new element in Myanmar’s polity since its independence from British colonialism. A coup throws out the democratic polity to set up a military dictatorship. Such unilateral transfer of power would require legitimacy from a sovereign state, which often leads such an authoritarian state to be a satellite for the great power nation in its quest for survival that, in turn, carves a path for bloc politics.

What’s New in The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and What Can the World Do?

The Hamas strike on Israel on October 7, 2023, serves as a reminder to the international community that the Palestinian resistance group still exists. As their eyes and attention shift to other wars and crises, Hamas appears to want to reassess the international community’s support for Palestine. Since the commencement of the armed war between Russia and Ukraine, The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has become a secondary and forgotten topic. 

China and the Contemporary World

The study and analysis of international relations of other Countries and Peoples are a prerequisite for the advancement of peace and an intrinsic requirement for promoting globalization and respect for diversity. This is all part of the mutual cultural exchanges that include travels and visits of people, as well as transmission of experiences, mutual influence of customs and traditions, dissemination of ideas, politics, literature, art, etc. There are various channels for exchanges, such as government envoys, citizens studying abroad, trade, craftsmen, etc. Wars and imprisonment also provided channels for exchanges related to international relations. 

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