Wednesday, June 26, 2024 | 20:18 WIB


Fragile economy? Jokowi promises “crazy” policies

IO - The title for this article is taken from the episode title of the Indonesia Business Forum talk show, broadcast in TVOne on 3 July. The title aroused varied reactions among the people,...

Continued economic issues will culminate with the collapse of the 2019 State Budget

 IO - It will be very hard for Jokowi’s Government to save the 2019 State Budget. This is not just because of the transition period that we are having due to the 2019 Elections,...

Chronic deficits threaten economic sovereignty

IO - The Current Account Balance began to experience a deficit since the fourth quarter of 2011. This deficit has continued to the pres­ent. Even the current account deficit of 2018, is getting bigger, reaching 31.1 billion US...

Trade war and political turmoil in Indonesia

IO - “Indonesia has lost its ability to prepare for external trade wars, while nationally, the government has lost momentum for political consolidation, because of the divide in politics that has been taking place...

Worrisome condition of State finances and fiscal management

IO - Recently, there have been rumors that the State Treasury is near-empty, and tax refunds for taxpayers are being delayed. Is this true? What is the country’s actual financial condition?  Our State financial and...

State finances near collapse

 IO - Today’s Indonesian economy is suffering a “double deficit” (or “twin deficit”). What is that? A twin deficit represents a deficit in the current transaction balance taking place simultaneously with a deficit in...

(Polemical) status of State-owned Enterprise subsidiary: Is it also a State-owned Enterprise?

 IO - The polemical status of State-owned Enterprise (“SOE”) subsidiaries continues. Some believe that SOE subsidiaries are not in themselves SOEs, while others conclude otherwise, i.e. that SOE subsidiaries are also SOEs.  In terms of...

An Open Letter to the President

Dear President Widodo:Over the past few days, Indonesia has experienced a series of traumatic and saddening events.  The police have responded to hundreds of thousands of demonstrators, expressing their right of assembly and to...

May 22 Action, Senior Generals are taking part, What’s Up?

IO - Senior generals – three from TNI and POLRI – will definitely take part in the demonstration at the General Election Commission (KPU), Tuesday and Wednesday (21-22/5) “We had to take part because our sovereignty...

The awakening of the soul must never waver

1883 – The titanic eruption of Krakatoa 1908 – Budi Utomo Organization established by the students of STOVIA (now FKUI). Commemorated as National Awakening Day. 2002 – East Timor became Timor Leste state after...

Bawaslu’s brave decree: Quick counts are a violation, KPU’s Situng is wrong

IO - The Elections Monitoring Agency (Badan Pengawas Pemilu – “Bawaslu”) has made an extremely brave and surprising decision: to declare that the Election Commission’s Voting Count Information System (Sistem Informasi Penghitungan Suara Komisi Pemilihan Umum –...

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