Friday, May 3, 2024 | 18:52 WIB

May 21-22 Peaceful Demonstrations: The people take to streets to demand justice and honesty be upheld

IO – The people refused to accept the results of the 2019 election, claiming it was structured, systematic and massively fraudulent (TSM); this supported the People’s National Sovereignty Movement (GNKR) to take to the roads on May 21-22, 2019. About 3-4 million people came in from mass and religious organizations in various regions to demand justice be upheld in this country. They demanded the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu), as the supervisor for the implementation of the 2019 elections, to begin to act fairly and disqualify candidate pair 01 for suspected of having carried out election fraud to win the 2019 Presidential Election.

Barricades of police guarding the KPU and Bawaslu buildings, closing off road access from Bundaran Hotel Indonesia, Sarinah intersection, Tanah Abang, and Medan Merdeka, did not scare the millions of people who took to the streets. They sat neatly following instructions from their leaders to carry out a peaceful demonstration. The demonstration began with evening prayers in congregation, breaking fast together, then evening twilight and night prayers in congregation interspersed with speeches from several figures.

Unfortunately, the peaceful action led to chaos in several places such as Tanah Abang, Slipi, Wahid Hasyim, and Jatibaru which caused injuries to hundreds of people and killed dozens more who were shot in clashes with police. Dozens of wounded were taken for treatment to the Cut Meutia Aspiration Home Crisis Center in Central Jakarta. (D. Ramdhani)

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