Wednesday, July 3, 2024 | 16:43 WIB

“Hantu Kali” Boat, Unique Creation from Used Plastic Bottles

Hantu Kali
Hantu Kali
Hantu Kali
Hantu Kali
Hantu Kali
Hantu Kali
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Jakarta, IO – Officers from the Jakarta Water Resources Agency use a boat made from used plastic bottles in the Ancol River, Monday (3/6).

Built using as many as 1,214 used plastic bottles, the boat is modeled after a warship named “Hantu Kali” (river ghost). The bottles are neatly arranged to resemble the deck of a warship equipped with weapons and typical military colors.

It took officers one to two weeks to build the boat, as they only worked on it during their spare time. The boat measures 2m in width and 3m in length and can accommodate four to six people.

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The boat is also meant to raise awareness of the the importance of managing plastic waste through the recycling and repurposing waste into usable objects.

(IO/Septo Kun Wijaya)

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