Wednesday, June 26, 2024 | 09:15 WIB

Indonesia-proposed World Lakes Day approved at WWF 2024


Jakarta, IO – World Water Forum (WWF) 2024 agreed to Indonesia’s proposal for World Lakes Day at an event held in Badung, Bali, on Friday (24/5).

Public Works and Housing Ministry expert staffer Endra Saleh Atmawidjaja said that after approval the proposal would be discussed further at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA).

“This must go through the UNGA mechanism because many resolutions have been submitted to the UN,” said Endra, per Kompas, Fri (24/5).

Endra explained that the proposal stemmed from concern of the condition of lakes in the world, including in Indonesia, some of which are in critical condition.

“Our lakes act as extraordinary water reservoirs. We take great pains to build dams, but we have to look after the natural water reservoirs themselves, namely lakes,” said Endra.

Environment and Forestry Ministry’s Land, Water and Mangrove Rehabilitation director Inge Renowati said the proposal needs a concrete follow-up after WWF concluded.

Read: Pathlab: Leading Indonesia Toward Healthier Tomorrows

She said there were at least 15 of the 2,000 lakes that would be prioritized for rehabilitation, one of them being Lake Batur in Bangli regency, Bali.

Inge emphasized that World Lakes Day would not just be a celebration but would educate the public on the importance of lake management.

“The designation of World Lakes Day is to remind us to commit to and take action to protect and preserve our precious lakes,” explained Inge. (un)


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