Thursday, June 20, 2024 | 19:05 WIB

9.9 million Gen Zs are jobless, here’s what BPS has to say


Jakarta, IO – According to Statistics Indonesia (BPS), as many as 9.9 million young Indonesians of Generation Z aged between 15 and 24 are unemployed. Manpower Minister Ida Fauziyah said this happened because there is mismatch between their skills and what the market needs.

“There is a missmatch. So the output of vocational education institutions has not been able to match the needs of the job market,” said Ida as reported by Katadata, Tuesday (21/5).

She further said that high unemployment is mostly experienced by vocational school graduates, around 8.9 percent. To address this issue, the government has issued Presidential Regulation 68/2022 concerning the Revitalization of Vocational Education and Training.

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The regulation mandates that education and training must be able to respond to the needs of the businesses and industries.

This regulation also encourages synergy between relevant stakeholders, including the Education, Culture, Research and Technology Ministry (Kemdikbudristek), Manpower Ministry, and the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KADIN) to strive to provide a competent and compatible workforce. (bp)


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