Thursday, June 20, 2024 | 18:50 WIB

The thrill of traditional duck catching competition at Peh Cun Festival in Tangerang

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Tangerang, IO – Dozens of residents took part in the traditional duck catching competition on the Cisadane River, Tangerang City, Banten, Monday (10/6). The event is part of the Peh Cun celebration which is commemorated on the fifth day of the fifth month of the Chinese calendar to honor the death of Qu Yuan, an official during the Chu Dynasty (340 BC).

The event saw the committee released 100 ducks into the Cisadane River to be caught by participants who jumped from a boat. Those who caught the most ducks won a variety of tempting prizes.

The committee chair Herlinawati said that there was a special meaning behind this duck catching competition. Chinese people believe that releasing ducks into the river is the same as removing bad luck or negative energy from individuals.

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For the reference, this year’s Peh Cun 2575/2024 celebration will be held over several days comprising an assortment of activities lasting from June 2 to 16.

(IO/Septo Kun Wijaya)

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