Thursday, June 20, 2024 | 18:44 WIB

Kasteel Batavia: A Forgotten Historical Building

Batavia's Castle
Batavia's Castle
Batavia's Castle
Batavia's Castle
Batavia's Castle
Batavia's Castle
Batavia's Castle
Batavia's Castle
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Jakarta, IO – Kasteel Batavia, in the Kota Tua (Old City) quarter of Jakarta is a historical building dating back to the Dutch colonial period. But it has been left in a dilapidated state. The atmosphere inside this building looks gloomy and abandoned, a far cry from its past splendor.

Kasteel Batavia is one of the few remaining warehouses formerly owned by the Dutch East India Company (VOC). It was built during the reign of VOC governor General J.P. Coen on March 12, 1619. It was square in shape and surrounded by sturdy walls, akin to a defensive fortress. In the surrounding area, there are canals that once served to prevent enemies from reaching Batavia.

The building area is almost nine times the size of Fort Jacatra. Previously there were four VOC warehouses in this area. But the other three were destroyed as the city rapidly grew and toll road was constructed.

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The remaining warehouse is known as Graanpakhuizen, which means Grain Storehouse. Previously, it was used to store food items and various commodities. Unfortunately, as time passes, it felt into disrepair. The access to this location is now partially occupied by idle trucks, and bushes cover the walls of the building, further worsening its condition.

(IO/Faisal Ramadhan)

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