Thursday, June 20, 2024 | 19:05 WIB

Jokowi warns public not to be trapped in online gambling addiction


Jakarta, IO – President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo asked the public to be more vigilant toward the danger of online gambling. He said the government had closed down millions of gambling websites as the scourge became rampant and has caused social ills and vices.

“The government is commited to seriously eradicate and combat online gambling and to date more than 2.1 million online gambling sites have been shut,” Jokowi was quoted as saying in the YouTube channel of the Presidential Secretariat, Thursday (13/6).

Jokowi said the government is also setting up an Online Gambling Task Force to help accelerate the eradication of online gambling.

However, he reminded all that online gambling is a transnational crime and the best defense should start with each individual.

Jokowi also invited the participation of religious and community leaders to speak against online gambling and to monitor and report to the authorities if they encounter such activities.

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“People should also be wiser in managing their money. Rather than gambling away the money, the should save it or use it to start a business,” he said.

One recent case involving online gambling that has shocked the public was of a policewoman in Mojokerto, East Java, who burned her police husband to death because he was addicted to online gambling and neglected the family. (un)


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