Thursday, June 20, 2024 | 18:29 WIB

Hunting for local snacks and products at the 2024 Jakarta Fair

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Jakarta Fair
Jakarta Fair
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Jakarta, IO – Hundreds of visitors packed the 2024 Jakarta Fair (Pekan Raya Jakarta) being held at JIExpo Kemayoran, Wednesday (12/6).

This year’s edition will run from June 12 to July 14, bearing the theme “Jakarta Fair Supports National Economic Growth to Compete in the Global Market”. It is participated in by as many as 2,550 exhibitors comprising 1,550 booths.

Most of them come with their children and families to seek discounted products on offer. Many of them hunted for snacks, skincare, fashion, and so on. As there are many promotions, many visitors are felt compelled to shop.

One of the fair’s unique features is the so-called “snack pillows”, a bag of assorted snacks. Because they are quite affordable, visitors often buy two or three bags. But some bought more than five. There is also the sought-after Betawi traditional snack, kerak telor (baked omelette with rice).

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The 55th Jakarta Fair (the first edition was held in 1968) is held to celebrate Jakarta’s 497th anniversary. The tickets cost Rp40,000 on Monday, Rp50,000 from Tuesday-Friday, and Rp60,000 on Saturday-Sunday.

(IO/Septo Kun Wijaya)

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