Saturday, June 29, 2024 | 14:07 WIB


Death at the polls: A mystery in need of an inquiry

IO, Jakarta – Simultaneous elections were held on 17 April. After this once-every-5-years democratic process, we do not rejoice. How could we? The number of Voting Organizer Groups (Kelompok Penyelenggara Pemungutan Suara – “KPPS”) officials who died continues...

Democracy under siege: Now it’s up to the people

IO, Jakarta – Every year, the 1st of May is celebrated as Labor Day. The 2019 Public May Day Celebration in Jakarta was attended by 50,000 workers from Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, and Bekasi (Jabodetabek) area, Purwakarta,...

The 2019 elections: It doesn’t get any worse than this

IO, Jakarta – 17 April 2019 was Indonesia’s fourth Presidential Elections to be held since the Reforms of 1998. This year, the once-in-5-years democratic process brought in Joko Widodo-Ma’ruf Amin versus Prabowo Subianto-Sandiaga Uno. Post-Election: many frauds. The...

554 KPPS officers have died: Is KPU involved in systemic crime?

IO - Post - 2019 Elections, the Indonesian Institute of Science (LIPI) political observer Siti Zuhro criticizes the execution of the 2019 Simulationeous Elections have simply been too much for the Election organizers too handle. There has...

Prominent figures demand the creation of a fact-finding team for the 2019 election

IO - The simultaneous 2019 elections have entered their final phase i. e., counting the number of voters and determining the winner.  The elections where for the first time, elections for president, parliament and...

The Fourth Presidential Debate: Prabowo defender of the nation scores a big win

IO, Jakarta – The Fourth Debate between Joko Widodo and Prabowo Subianto was held on 30 March 2019 in the Shangri-La Hotel, Jakarta. The themes were “Ideology”, “Government”, “Defense and Security”, and “International Relations”. Prabowo...

Margins of gross error: Pollsters at work, but for who?

IO, Jakarta – Three weeks from the 17 April 2019 Elections, numerous survey agencies have released the results of their research. Several survey agencies favor Joko Widodo-Ma’ruf Amin, others favor Prabowo Subianto-Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno....

The Vice Presidential face-off: SOMETHING OLD, SOMETHING NEW

IO, Jakarta – Vice-Presidential Candidate Number 01 K.H. Ma’ruf Amin and Vice-Presidential Candidate Number 02 Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno faced off to pit their ideas and programs against one another in the Third 2019 Presidential Candidate Debate....

Safeguarding our democracy; Free, fair or fraudulent?

IO, Jakarta – One month nearing to the Simultaneous Elections of 17 April 2019, the Final Voters’ List (Daftar Voters Tetap – “DPT”) is still an issue. The National Committee to elect Prabowo-Sandi (Badan...

The National Economy: Toxic deficit and still on the rise

IO, Jakarta –2018 was not a good year for Indonesia’s economic condition. There are clear indicators: a trade balance deficit at USD 8.57 billion, worst within the past 4 years. Next, a current transaction...

The Second Presidential Debate; A REALITY CHECK

IO, Jakarta – The second debate between Presidential Candidates Prabowo Subianto versus Joko Widodo was held on 17 February 2019. The themes of the second debate were energy, food, natural resources, environment, and infrastructure....

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