Monday, July 1, 2024 | 17:32 WIB


The Omnibus Law on agriculture: Why farmers are getting angry

IO - The government is targeting economic growth in the range of 5.3 - 6.5% per year in the National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) 2020 – 2024. To fulfill their plan, an investment of IDR 35,212.4 -...

The economics of a pandemic: How Indonesia is defending the Rupiah against COVID-19

IO - After nearly 2 months of evading the worldwide invasion of the coronavirus (now properly known as “COVID-19”), Indonesia has finally succumbed, becoming the 66th country with inhabitants infected by the outbreak: on Monday 2 March...

Behind the wave of mass layoffs: Should there be concern about a looming recession?

IO - We’ve seen the picture as crys­tal clear from early 2020. A wave of mass layoffs is taking place in every sector, from manufactur­ing to services. Krakatau Steel executed their plan to lay off 2,683 workers, mostly...

The new way: How to achieve higher economic growth in 2020

IO - At the end of 2017, I stated that up until 2019 our economic growth will only be around 5%. This is not strange, because our macroeconomic policies are super conservative: we listen to the...

The threat of recession amid powerlessness

 IO, Jakarta - Global economic growth in 2019 is stalling. Some countries are even suffering negative growth; signs of recession are increasingly apparent. And pessimism about global economic health is also rising, as estimates...

Indonesia in mourning: Xanana Gusmao bids a tearful farewell to B.J. Habibie …

IO - After the death of former Indone­sian President B.J. Habibie a video went viral on the internet showing Timor Leste’s first president, Xanana Gusmao kneeling at the sickbed of former Indonesian President Habibie....

MERDEKA : The Proclamation of Independence 17 August 1945

IO - On the 17th of August 1945 at 10 am with a very simple ceremony in the garden of his residence at Jl Pegangsaan Timur no 56 in the Menteng area of Central Jakarta Soekarno read out...

US-China trade war cools down: What’s in it for Indonesia?

IO, Jakarta – Trade tensions between the United States (US) and China have cooled down a little. This is because US President Donald Trump and China President Xi Jinping met informally amid the G20 Conference held...

The 2019 Presidential election: The results remain among the most disputed ever

IO, Jakarta – The lengthy process of electing a President and Vice President has finally arrived at its final stage. The Presidential Elections saw Presidential Candidate Pair 01, Joko Widodo-KH Ma’ruf Amin, standing against Presidential Candidate Pair...

Aksi 22 Mei: We demand justice!

IO, Jakarta – Elections should be a joyous events, celebrations of citizen empowerment held once every 5 years. They must be a forum for the people to choose their leader according to the dictates of their conscience....

Jokowi clinging onto power: But at what cost to our democracy?

IO, Jakarta – Elections 2019 are over. Yet our Elections, as an important pillar of democracy, were filled with too much competitiveness for power. Unfortunately, some people would do whatever it takes in order to hang onto...

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