Sunday, May 19, 2024 | 09:04 WIB

Obey the rules when in the Mataram Sultanate tomb


IO, Yogyakarta – Exploring the tourist spots in Student City or Yogyakarta never ends. This time Independent Observer visited a burial place of the Kings from the Mataram Sultanate located in Ginirego Village, Imogiri, Bantul, Yogyakarta.

The burial complex was built by Sultan Agung in 1632 AD with Kyai Tumenggung TjitraKoesoemo and has Hindu and Buddhist elements. Sultan Agung is one of the great leaders of the Mataram Sultanate. He was the third king after Panembahan Senopati and Panembahan Seda Kapryak. Sultan Agung was also known as the king brave enough to fight against the Dutch and VOC occupancy in Batavia.

When entering the burial ground, a holy aura can instantly be felt coming from the aroma of incense and offerings which are burnt by the kingdom’s servants.

The burial architecture is very interesting, with many gates and structures typical of Java, made from red bricks. However, as it is hundreds of years old there is a lot of moss on the walls.

In the peak of the burial area is the tomb of Sultan Agung, the King of Mataram Sultanate, which under his leadership became the biggest kingdom in Java and Nusantara in its time.

However, not just anyone can just enter the tomb as it is blessed. There are certain requirements that must be abided by visitors before entering the tomb. Among others, visitors are forbidden from using footwear, bringing a camera or wearing jewellery. Visitors are also required to don Javanese clothing.

As for men, they must wear a blangkon, batik fabric, a belt and beskap. Meanwhile, women must wear a kemben and long fabric. Visitors are also forbidden to act impolitely or speak indecently.

There are many things that can be done in the burial grounds other than visiting the tomb, such as enjoying the shade from the large trees around the aria. You can also get information about the history of the Mataram Sultanate and enjoy the cold water from a “blessed barrel” which is said to heal various ailments. (Dessy Aipipidely)


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