Tuesday, July 2, 2024 | 10:50 WIB

Stress affects the physical condition


Jakarta, IO – Mental health is as important as physical health. Everyone can suffer from stress, including children. Stress, which can appear in the form of feelings of sadness, anxiety, anger, restlessness and so on, is usually only temporary and will end when the cause is resolved. However, we need to be careful if we experience prolonged stress, because it can have a bad impact and affect our physical condition in the future. 

“It’s ‘ok not to be ok’. Stress is a natural condition that everyone experiences and is part of everyday life. There are two types of stress, positive (eustress) and negative (distress). Eustress encourages us to unleash our best potential, while distress triggers negative conditions, which can cause heart palpitations, shortness of breath, heavy headaches and so on,” said dr. Lahargo Kembaren, Sp.KJ, a psychiatrist from the Marzoeki Mahdi Hospital, Bogor, in a talk show with the theme “Stress Affects Physical Condition” which was held on Monday (24/6/2024). 

How do stress related to the emergence of physical complaints? 

dr. Lahargo Kembaren, Sp
dr. Lahargo Kembaren, Sp (IO/Esti)

“In the front area of the brain, there is the prefrontal cortex which is responsible for observing and analyzing events captured by the five senses. If the event is unpleasant, the prefrontal cortex will send a signal to the middle part of the brain, called the amygdala, which will then react by releasing the stress hormone cortisol, and as a result, we feels an uncomfortable sensation. Stress manifests in emotional, physical, behavioral, and cognitive disorders, which can trigger psychosomatic conditions, for example, complaints of itching or acne, but the cause is psychological,” he answered. 

Three Levels of Stress 

Revealed by dr. Argo –the nicknamed dr. Lahargo– there are three levels of stress. “First, light level. Sufferers generally can handle it well and continue their activities as usual. Second, medium level. All we need is to have the ability to recognize signs or symptoms of stress and immediately implement good stress management. Third, heavy level. At this level, sufferers’ performance generally begins to decline, and productivity and relationships with other people are disrupted. At this stage, we need a support system or contact professional health workers.” 

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Stress can be managed, by regulating emotions in order to be stay productive. “There are many ways that can be done. First, exercise with a 30-minute morning walk. When exercising, the body releases anti-stress hormones, namely endorphins, which are effective in regulating emotions. Second, butterfly hug. Hug your body, then pat it slowly and affirm yourself that ‘Everything will be fine’. Third, deep breathing techniques 4,7,8. Take a deep breath for 4 seconds from your nose, hold for 7 seconds, exhale for 8 seconds, by blowing from your mouth. Repeat 5 to 10 times, until the condition calms down,” he explained. 

At the end, dr. Argo emphasizes to seek a health facility for treatment, since costs are covered by BPJS Health. (est)


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