Monday, June 24, 2024 | 16:24 WIB


Surprisingly, this fruit can do wonders for your health

IO - Dragon fruit does contain some pretty magical benefits that can make your health improve and your body feel great. In tropical and subtropical regions of Asia and South America, the dragon fruit...

The essentials of drinking water

IO - All of us know that water is very essential to our general health. But are you consuming the right amount of water? Have you ever suspected that some of your health issues...

If you are a hoarder or living with one, READ THIS!

IO - We like to keep stuff that has a memorable value towards our life; even the most organized people have a junk closet filled with old clothes, shoes, and other items long past...

Earth Day 2018: Several ways to contribute celebrating the Earth Day

IO - It is important to remember the reason why we are celebrating Earth Day. This year on April 22nd 2018, we are going to acknowledge the home to billions of amazing creatures, natural...

Top 5 best foods for a long and healthy life

IO - We all want to fight aging – especially women – from anti-aging drinks to expensive beauty treatments; we want to enjoy a long life. But did you know that we do not...

Do you feel tired easily?

IO - I hear a lot of people saying, “I am so tired.” or asking “Why do I feel tired almost all the time?” It is interesting to dig deeper why this happens and...

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