Monday, May 20, 2024 | 16:58 WIB

Marzuki Hasan: A Journey and the Dedication of a Dance Maestro


Tari Aceh Dari Masa Ke Masa

Jakarta, IO – The Indonesia Kaya Gallery has been presenting a series of dancethemed performances from mid-February to late March 2024. Now, the gallery is showcasing the “Tari Aceh Dari Masa Ke Masa” (Acehnese Dance Through the Ages) performance, in collaboration with Dance Maestro Marzuki Hasan, at the Auditorium of Indonesia Kaya Gallery. Marzuki Hasan will also collaborate with the Gema Citra Nusantara and Canang7 groups. 

“Marzuki Hasan, or Pak Uki, has dedicated decades to teaching, directing, and presenting captivating dance works. He frequently expresses the beauty and abundance of Acehnese culture through beautiful and meaningful dances. As a maestro, Marzuki Hasan does not only mentor many young dancers but also inspires the next generation to preserve and develop traditional Indonesian dance, especially Acehnese dance. “The Tari Aceh Dari Masa Ke Masa perfor – mance aims to appreciate Pak Uki’s works and to entertain and benefit art enthusiasts,” said Renitasari Adrian, Program Director of Indonesia Kaya Gallery. 

Art lovers were enthralled for roughly 60 minutes by an Acehnese cultural performance. In a production titled “Likok Meualoen,” a number of dances and songs portrayed Marzuki Hasan’s passion for Acehnese dance across time. Likok Meualoen fuses harmony, energy, and togetherness in dance movements with the rhythm of Acehnese drum beats and poems carrying important meanings, transforming this work into a force of its own. 

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Marzuki Hasan states that the performance consists of several parts that blend together beautifully. “The show opened with music by Canang 7, followed by the Ranup Lampuan Dance. Then, a duet performance by Deddy and Karissa A. Soerjanatamihardja singing the Bungong song. Approaching the halfway point of the event, Canang 7 delivered another performance, inviting the audience to dance. Reaching the end, Rampoe Meuhayak Dance performed verses and poetry. The objective of the performance was to inspire and broaden the horizons of art enthusiasts about the culture of Aceh, especially the younger generation, with the aim for the younger generations to preserve it, ensuring that Acehnese dance and culture continue to resonate worldwide,” he explained. 

The Acehnese Dance Maestro Marzuki Hasan was born and raised in Gampong Meudang Ara, Southwest Aceh, in 1943 and has been involved in the world of dance, particularly Seudati and Saman dances. He dedicated himself to teaching at the Jakarta Institute of the Arts until his retirement. Marzuki Hasan is a recognized literacy activist who is rich in traditional wisdom and Acehnese culture. His humble and strong artistic spirit sincerely imparts his knowledge to a younger generation, making him a beacon of inspiration for the nation’s next generation. (des/ast)


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