Saturday, June 1, 2024 | 08:05 WIB

Yogyakarta Fine Arts Exhibition Gangsar #3 Karang Kitri highlights the city’s creative power


Jakarta, IDM – Taking place from October 11-15, the 2023 Yogyakarta Cultural Festival (FKY) Fine Arts Exhibition is organized by the city’s Office of Cultural Affairs. This year, it is participated in by 30 fine artists as well as 10 craftsmen from the city centered at Ex Loop Station Telkom, Jalan Pangurakan Street 2 Gondomanan, Yogyakarta. This event featured the overarching theme of “Karang Kitri” which focus on food security.

The 2023 Yogyakarta Cultural Festival
The exhibition is attended by 30 fine artists and craftsmen from the city known for its Javanese cultural heritage. (Source: Special)

Karang Kitri itself means a house yard planted with fruit, vegetable and medicinal plants. It can form part of the strategy to anticipate food shortages, because the plants provide several main food ingredients needed in daily life. In the context of Javanese culture, Karang Kitri is an effort to organize food from the yard to the dining table. In addition, Karang Kitri is believed to be a manifestation of respect for the land, water and air that has nourished the body with a variety of food ingredients stored in plants and herbs in the yard.

Yogyakarta City Office of Cultural Affairs provides full support to the artists and craftsmen and give them space to create valuable works in a bid to inspire the public. It is hoped that the artwork on display will raise awareness and generate creative ideas among the community to deal with the pressing issues in the food sector from a cultural perspective. Additionally, the exhibition is expected to be facilitate the artists and craftsmen in getting the recognition they deserve.

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The 2023 Yogyakarta Cultural Festival
The exhibition is attended by 30 fine artists and craftsmen from the city known for its Javanese cultural heritage. (Source: Special)

“The collaboration also serves as a forum for artists to channel their creativity and perspectives on how to deal with food security issue. It is hoped that the artworks can lend voice to the social issues and at the same time illustrate the methods and strategies to achieve food sufficiency. “Going forward, we hoped this exhibition will also be able to raise public awareness of social issues regarding foodstuffs which have recently been thrust into the spotlight,” said Yetti Martanti, head of Yogyakarta City Office of Cultural Affairs. The exhibition will be held again by the Yogyakarta City Office of Cultural Affairs with the support of special funds. (des)


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