Monday, June 17, 2024 | 13:56 WIB

RADWIMPS rocks Jakarta in World Tour 2024


Jakarta, IO – RADWIMPS’ concert, “The Way You Yawn and the Outcry of Peace,” rocked Jakarta on Sunday night, May 19, 2024. Promoted by PK Entertainment and SOZO, the performance was a massive hit, drawing thousands of thrilled fans to Hall B of the Jakarta Convention Center. 

RADWIMPS performed a total of 19 of their hits, from ”Lights go out,” “Zenzenzense,” “September San,” ”Seikai,” “Nandemonaiya,” and ”Okoshite.” 

The audience was hypnotized and sang along to the energetic RADWIMPS, who had presented a lively, unforgettable moment to all the audience members at the venue. 

“We are very grateful for our Jakarta fans’ warmest welcome. This concert has been one of the best moments of our tour,” said Yojiro Noda, the vocalist. 

RADWIMPS’ series of musical performances has expanded outside Japan through their tours, visiting numerous countries around the world. Their 2023 World Tour’s tickets in North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia quickly sold out. 

The memorable RADWIMPS concert

RADWIMPS completed the Latin American leg of their RADWIMPS WORLD TOUR 2024 “The Way You Yawn and the Outcry of Peace” in March and are currently on their Asian tour, performing 15 concerts across 12 cities, including Jakarta – described as one of the most memorable cities, thanks to the supporters’ amazing excitement. 

PK Entertainment and SOZO always prioritize audience satisfaction by providing comfortable facilities and amazing experiences at every event. The RADWIMPS World Tour 2024 concert in Hall B, Jakarta Convention Center, treated the audience to a variety of exciting experiences. 

While waiting for the concert to start, the audience could enjoy free coffee or everyone else in the lobby area. PK Entertainment and SOZO also provided a free photo booth for the fans to take pictures of this memorable experience.

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Another wonderful experience was being intimate and close to RADWIMPS throughout the show. The spectacular stage set-up and music brought the crowd closer to RADWIMPS’ performance. All of the seats provided allowed visitors to sit or stand as they chose, creating a more comfortable and entertaining environment for the entire audience. 

On the same occasion, Harry Sudarma, co-founder and COO of PK Entertainment, thanked everyone for their assistance and participation from beginning to end, ensuring the event would run smoothly and effectively. “Seeing the audience satisfied and happy after watching the concert is extremely rewarding for us as organizers. Providing an outstanding concert experience at the RADWIMPS and the audience’s satisfaction are our priorities, and we strive to always deliver the best music concert experience,” Harry concluded. (des)


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