Tuesday, July 2, 2024 | 10:12 WIB

Milk allergy disrupts children’s growth and development


Jakarta, IO – The incidence and risk of cow’s milk protein allergy is experienced by children throughout the world, including in Indonesia. Data from the Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI), the prevalence of cow’s milk protein allergy in children under 5 years of age ranges from 2-7.5% or more than 1.6 million children at risk. This condition needs serious attention because it has the potential to hinder children’s optimal growth and development. 

Even though your child has a cow’s milk allergy, that doesn’t mean he or she doesn’t need milk. Research shows that one of 4 children with cow’s milk allergy are at risk of experiencing growth disorders. In contrast to cow’s milk allergy, whose symptoms can occur throughout the baby’s body, lactose intolerance only causes symptoms in the digestive tract. 

Dr.dr. Zahrah Hikmah, Sp.A(K)
Dr.dr. Zahrah Hikmah, Sp.A(K) (Source: Priv. Doc.)

“Cow’s milk protein allergy occurs due that the body’s immune system reacts abnormally and triggers several symptoms such as itching, wheezing, vomiting or diarrhea which can interfere with the absorption of its important nutrients. We have to realize that milk is one source of protein to support optimal growth and development for children, including preventing stunting. Therefore, parents must provide proper nutrition,” explained Dr.dr. Zahrah Hikmah, Sp.A(K), pediatrician and specialist consultant in allergy and immunology from RSUD Dr. Soetomo, Surabaya, East Java, at the launch of the digital education platform “Soya Generasi Maju” commemorating World Allergy Week which was held on Thursday (20/6/2024). 

Comprehensive Education 

The risk of cow’s milk allergy has not been followed by proper understanding and treatment. Dr. Zahrah reveal that lots of parents do not recognize the symptoms of cow’s milk allergy. They also underestimate this condition. Instead of immediately consulting a doctor, they try to find solutions by themselves, or continue to give cow’s milk to their children even though symptoms appear. 

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“Comprehensive and easy-to-understand education from trusted sources is needed so that parents can recognize allergy symptoms and immediately consult a doctor to get the right treatment. It’s better if parents can get education from trusted sources so they can quickly recognize the condition of children who have allergies,” Dr. Zahrah emphasizes. 

Meanwhile, the Brand Manager of SGM Eksplor Isopro Soy, Claresta Constantine, said that the Soya Generasi Maju platform is the first website in Indonesia that provides complete information and the first Artificial Intelligent based question and answer service with sources that have been validated by experts regarding unsuitable conditions for cow’s milk allergy. “The aim is parents are more aware of the various symptoms of cow’s milk allergy, starting from various tips for fulfilling nutrition to stimulating activities so that children can grow and develop optimally.” (est)


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