Wednesday, June 26, 2024 | 07:44 WIB


Rupiah will continue to weaken

IO - I have warned and written many times that Rupiah will to continue to weaken throughout 2018. There may be times when Rupiah seems to strengthen, but this will be a temporary condition,...

A “hard brexit” looks inevitable

IO - The recently-concluded EU Summit had just three key items on its agenda: migration, a “trade war” and transition issues around “Brexit”. As for this final matter, it was originally hoped that an...

Syamsul Nursalim’s BLBI testimony war in the Syafruddin Temenggung hearing

IO - On 24 June 2018, Rakyat Merdeka Online (RMOL) reported that Witness Iwan Ridwan Prawiranata stated that Syamsul Nursalim’s Bank Dagang Negara Indonesia – “BDNI”, has misused the Bank Indonesia (Central Bank) Liquidity...

Public participation in political movement

IO - Warta Sejarah (“Historic Report”) was a magazine published by Greater Indonesia Party (Partai Indonesia Raya – “Parindra”). This edition that I uploaded is edition No. 6/I, June 1936. According to the information...

Why we need a Flight Council

IO - The world of Indonesian aeronautics has undergone such prideful progress lately. Passenger growth rate spikes every year, at 10%-15%. Assessment of flight safety standards in Indonesia shows that we have exceeded the world’s...

Joint press release between the Government, BI, OJK, LPS: What are they hiding?

IO - Highly irregular and abrupt, on 28 May 2018 the Minister of Finance and Coordinating Minister of the Economy, BI (Central Bank), OJK (Financial Service Authority), and LPS (Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation) issued...

Why do countries hold international reserves?

IO - In the aftermath of the Asian Financial Crisis (AFC) of 1997/98, Martin Feldstein, Harvard Professor and Chairman of President Reagan’s Council of Economic Advisors, wrote an article defining a “rule of thumb”...

Why are Indonesian airlines prohibited entry to the E.U.?

IO - In 2007, due to the high number of airplane accidents in Indonesia, the Federal Aviation Adminis­tration (FAA) dropped its Flight Ranking to Category 2. Thankfully, we are now back in Flight Category...

Rupiah weakens. sign of crisis?

IO - By mid-May 2018 the Indonesian Rupiah had already depreciated 3.7% since the beginning of the year, fluctuating around 14,000-14,150 / USD. The Government and Bank Indonesia simply put the blame on “global...

Overdrawn Nation

IO - I find it very difficult to accept the lies repeatedly stated by official economists: Indonesia’s economic fundamentals is strong; Indonesia’s economy is healthy and on the right track; and Indonesia is soon...

The Freeport saga

IO - The Jokowi administration often boasts about its progress in deregulating the economy.  True, the process for obtaining business permits and licenses has been streamlined and many approvals previously required by the government,...

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