Saturday, June 15, 2024 | 23:32 WIB


BRIN: China’s state debris fall in Indian Ocean

The National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) said China’s space debris, CZ5B, was observed passing through southern part of Sumatra and fell in the Indian Ocean, Saturday (30/7) night.

The case of British tourist robbed in Lombok yet to be solved

Street robbery case that happened to a British tourist in the road connecting Wakan village to Batu Nampar village, Jerowaru district, East Lombok regency on Thursday (21/7) has not been solved by the police.

Jokowi brings back US$6.37B in investment from S. Korea visit

Bilateral meeting between President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo and South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol at the Yongsan Presidential Office, Seoul, Thursday (28/7) was a resounding success. The two leaders signed a number of cooperation agreements in several fields including the construction of Indonesia’s new administrative capital (IKN) Nusantara with an investment worth US$6.37 billion.

Minangkabau entrepreneurs send 1 ton of rendang spices to Germany

MSME players in West Sumatra who are members of the Nagari Minangkabau Cooperative sent one ton of rendang spices with the Kitchen Mutiara brand to Hamburg, Germany, Wednesday (27/7).

Foreign Ministry works to free 53 WNI who fell victim to fraud in Cambodia

Indonesian embassy in Pnom Penh continues is working to free 53 Indonesian citizens (WNI) who were reportedly held captive. They reportedly fell victim to a fraudulent investment company in Sihanoukville, Cambodia.

Jokowi asks Japan to finish projects on time

President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo held a meeting with Prime Minister of Japan Fumio Kishida in Tokyo, Wednesday (27/7). On the occasion, Jokowi specifically requested that Japan complete its projects in Indonesia on time.

Forensic team reveals status of slain cop’s second autopsy

The forensic team has completed a second autopsy of Brigadier J’s body at Sungai Bahar Hospital, Jambi, Wednesday (27/7). After about 6 hours, the forensic team found several wounds on the body that needed further confirmation.

Bareskrim seizes dozens of vehicles belonging to ACT

The National Police’s Criminal Investigation Department’s (Bareskrim) special economic crimes directorate (Dittipideksus) confiscated assets belonging to Aksi Cepat Tanggap (ACT) Foundation on Wednesday (27/7).

Indonesia disappointed with activist executions by Myanmar regime

Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi conveyed Indonesia’s disappointment over the execution of four activists by the Myanmar military junta. Retno said the move represented a setback for ASEAN’s “5-Point Consensus” on Myanmar.

Russia to quit ISS

Head of the Russian Space Agency (Roscosmos) Yuri Barisov said his country is withdrawing from the International Space Station (ISS) project in 2024, Tuesday (26/7).

Komnas HAM ascertains that slain cop didn’t die during Magelang-Jakarta trip

The National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM) refuted the rumour that Brigadier Yosua (Brig. J), aide to the non-active Police internal affairs chief Inspector General Ferdy Sambo, died on the way from Magelang to Jakarta.

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