Saturday, June 1, 2024 | 08:05 WIB

Anti-Smoking Campaign Through Painting Exhibition

Anti-Smoking Campaign
Anti-Smoking Campaign
Anti-Smoking Campaign
Anti-Smoking Campaign
Anti-Smoking Campaign
Anti-Smoking Campaign
Anti-Smoking Campaign
Anti-Smoking Campaign
Breathless 1
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Breathless 5
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Jakarta, IO – Visitors gaze at a painting exhibition entitled “Breathless: Hilangkan Asap, Inspirasi Datang Tanpa Batas” at the National Library, Jakarta, Friday (5/1).

It features several paintings by orphanage children. They have received free art training by BacaYok which is led directly by professional artists. These classes provide not only technical skills but also artistic support and inspiration. Many participants expressed fresh optimism and enthusiasm for their art after attending this workshop.

The works of these young artists provide striking commentary on the impact of smoking on individuals and society through their paintings. This exhibition encourages visitors to ponder about the impact of smoking on their lives and communities so they can lead a healthy lifestyle.

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At this exhibition, visitors were also invited to dispose of their cigarettes or e-cigarettes by putting them in a jar filled with water.

(IO/Septo Kun Wijaya)

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