Tuesday, May 21, 2024 | 23:57 WIB

Medico-legal procedures in medical practice


dr. Yudy, Sp.F.M.
dr. Yudy, Sp.F.M. (Source: MAYAPADA HOSPITAL)

The above Article shows that judicial medical experts are the first choice, if they are available. Doctors are also obliged to help with judicial processes, when required. However, a limited number of forensic doctors (judicial medical experts) means that all doctors must understand the basics of this specialty in case their help is required by investigators. 

Visum et Repertum (VeR) Documents 

Investigation of medico-legal cases is performed according to the procedures explained in the Criminal Code. For example, such an investigation must be requested in writing by an authorized investigator. Such investigators are not average police officers either – there is a minimum rank requirement to become an investigator or assistant investigator. Medico-legal case investigations generally includes investigation of living victims (clinical forensic) and dead victims (forensic pathology). Investigation of the dead are made in two stages, i.e. external checks and internal checks (autopsy). 

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The product generated from investigation of medico-legal cases is known as visum et repertum (VeR) documents. “Visum is Latin for ‘looking’, et means ‘and’, and repertum means ‘to find and discover’. The authorized doctor issues written VeRs to report the results of their investigation of the victim. Any doctor involved in the investigation may sign it; it is not restricted to the doctor in charge of the service. For example, an ER doctor might find a patient, and an internal disease specialist checks on them, but not the consulting doctor,” dr. Yudy said. 

By understanding how to implement medico-legal procedures in their daily practice, doctors can perform their work without any worries, and help victims get the justice that they deserve at the same time. (est)


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