Wednesday, April 17, 2024 | 02:10 WIB

Women’s leadership in public health


Jakarta, IO – Statistics Indonesia (Badan Pusat Statistik-BPS) has set several health indicators to measure the quality of health for the Indonesian people, including malnutrition, which can lead to stunted growth in children, as well as increased mortality rates for both mothers and babies. Data from the Indonesian Nutritional Status Study (2021) indicates that the prevalence of stunted growth for children under five living in Indonesia is 24.4%, a figure that is significantly higher than the 20% WHO tolerance limit. 

Meanwhile, International Women’s Day is an important milestone to celebrate the many achievements of women around the world. It is also an important moment to raise awareness of women’s contributions towards improving public health in Indonesia. The Government of Indonesia recognizes that women play a key role in elevating the health indicators of the Indonesian public set by BPS, especially in the prevention of malnutrition, which can lead to stunted growth rates for children, as well as an increased mortality rate for both mothers and babies. 

“Women need to actuate their important role in accelerating the improvement of public health. Our main concern is to ensure that both men and women can be well-informed and ensure that they can take on that role optimally,” said Ir. Aryana Satrya, MM, Ph.D, Head of the Center for Social Security Studies of the Universitas Indonesia (PKJS UI), at a talk show with the theme “Women Leadership in Public Health” held on Thursday (23/3/2023). 

To improve the health indicator of a country, women and children mortality rates need urgent attention. Available preventive methods to protect children’s health are immunization and vaccination against infectious diseases, which have been proven to avoid serious illness and even death. 

“We believe that mothers play a crucial role in ensuring their children’s health and thus, they need to be knowledgeable about available means, such as immunization and vaccination. Mothers need to know what their children need to receive recommended immunizations. Furthermore, vaccination also helps the child produce an immune response that prevents severe infections, disability, and death. In doing so, we can be sure to drive improvement in public health,” said dr. Mulya Rahma Karyanti, Sp.A(K), M.Sc, Pediatrician and Tropical Infectious Disease Consultant from Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital. 


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