Friday, April 19, 2024 | 16:13 WIB

Vital nutrients for calcium absorption and bone health


dr. Isa An Nagib, Sp.OT(K), FICS
dr. Isa An Nagib, Sp.OT(K), FICS

“Ignoring this physical condition will result in your bones being vulnerable to breaking. Even a simple fall on a slick floor is enough to break a bone. And to fix that, there will be a huge cost and a long recovery period. We really need to ingest supplements or foods that can ‘rebuild’ the thickness of the ‘walls’ of this ‘glass’, to halt the loss of ‘water’ from the ‘leaking glass’. If the ‘water’ inside continues to seep out, the bone mass index also drains out. It could even break by itself because it is simply too fragile and delicate to maintain the ordinary daily stress of supporting the weight of bodily organs,” dr. Isa warned. 

Calcium supplements will gradually refill the gaps in the “leaking” body of the bone so that our bone health doesn’t continuously become abraded. According to Tribhuvan University’s Institute of Medicine, daily calcium doses are differentiated by age. Babies 1-3 years old only need 700 mg calcium a day; 4-8 years old, 1,000 mg a day; 9-18 years old and pregnant and nursing mothers, 1,300 mg a day; 19-50 years old, 1,000 mg a day; 51- 71 years old, 1,200 mg a day for women and 1,000 mg a day for men; and for 71 years old and older, 1,200 mg a day. 

“The problem is, we can’t always get that much calcium just from milk or dairy products. ‘Supplements’ are merely extract of the foods we consume, but in a denser and more compact form. Other than that, calcium and vitamin D3 (which helps the bone absorb calcium and renew itself) must be consumed according to need,” said the orthopedic surgery specialist and President Director of Siaga Raya Orthopedic Hospital, Jakarta. 


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