IO, Solo – Students of Sebelas Maret University (UNS), Surakarta, once again mark a proud achievement: UNS Faculty of Law students came in second at the Islamic Law Fair held by Diponegoro University (Undip), Semarang, on Saturday (8/22/2020).
The UNS contingent was led by Muhamad Alief Hidayat, with Setya Hanung Surya Dewi, Yustika Rusydiana, Nadine Rayna Salsabila, and Resti Remandha as members. The team took 2nd place in the Legislative Drafting competition. Such proud results are the clear product of careful preparation. Resti, one of the contingent members, explained that her team had prepared for the Legislative Drafting Islamic Law Fair by studying Public Information Transparency Law cases.
“Preparation for the competition involved reading files related to the Law on Public Information Transparency, while learning from seniors experienced in the field of Legislative Drafting,” Resti said, to the PR of UNS, Tuesday (1/9/2020). Supervised by lecturer Dr. Sunny Ummul Firdaus, Resti and her colleagues participated in several competition stages, starting from file selection, announcements, to question and answer sessions. “The competition begins with file selection from each delegation. Once the selection was made, it was announced that the delegates would qualify for the final round. In view of the dangers imposed by the pandemic, the committee adjusted the presentation and question and answer protocol in the final round. “Every delegation entering the final round was required to send a video and visual presentation for the final assessment by the jury,” she explained.
Even though the implementation of the competition was impaired by the COVID-19 pandemic, the UNS Faculty of Law student contingent was able to demonstrate its skill, competing against teams from other universities, including Brawijaya University (UB), Indonesian Islamic University (UII), UPN Veteran Yogyakarta, and Gadjah Mada University (UGM) Yogyakarta.
“Once the pandemic was declared, competition was postponed indefinitely, subsequently being rescheduled for August, with an instruction to send a video presentation. On August 8 the video was sent, and on the 22nd the winner was announced,” said Resti.
Resti, on behalf of her friends, expressed her gratitude for this achievement, and hoped that the younger generation would be more sensitive in paying attention to the latest issues. “We hope that more and more young people will be sensitive to the latest issues. Hopefully, it can champion the name of UNS on another occasion and can spark enthusiasm for other students to excel even amid the pandemic,” she said. (est)