Tuesday, April 23, 2024 | 22:20 WIB

Total reform, the only way to save the nation

Anthony Budiawan
Anthony Budiawan, Managing Director of PEPS (Political Economy and Policy Studies)

Over time, the grip of the oligarchs also grew stronger and deeper. People are getting oppressed. Therefore, it is impossible to hope that the nexus of political parties and business oligarchs will be able to improve the future of this nation. The 2024 elections will surely end up with the same results. People will be disappointed again. People will be increasingly marginalized, and only used as accessories in an artificial democracy. 

The law doesn’t run its course. The nation’s morale is badly damaged. The political party elites are not ashamed to clinch to power by violating norms and ethics, even breaking the law. They orchestrate public opinion building to promote certain presidential candidates supported by the oligarchs, all of which will not benefit the people at large and improve their welfare. 

The pollsters also have no shame, no moral compass in forming opinions and boost the electability of certain presidential candidates, even though they are actually in legal trouble. The media and the press, which are supposed to be the fourth pillar of democracy and a filter of power, who should give harsh but objective criticism, especially to candidates with moral defects, have indeed been swept away in the opinion building endeavor. Volunteers and supporters, including buzzers, are shamelessly and immorally at the forefront in supporting a presidential candidate who runs afoul of law, who is very unfit to be the leader of this nation. They are actually traitors to the nation and people’s sovereignty. They unethically proposed postponing the election or extending the presidential term, which is a clear violation of the Constitution. 

Therefore, the people cannot hope that the oligarchs can improve the destiny of this nation. They cannot hope that this nation will be better than this conspiratorial political system. People cannot expect oligarchs to think about their fate and struggle. This means that the people are obliged to change their own destiny, seek justice and prosperity for themselves, by carrying out total reform to reclaim the people’s sovereignty which has been seized by the political parties and business oligarchs. In other words, the people must fight against hegemony of the oligarchy. 

The total reform must be fought for, seized, by any means. Only then can the destiny of the Indonesian nation change. Without total reform, it will undoubtedly fall further into the abyss of destruction. The choice is in the hands of the people. Be silent or rise up and reclaim the Sovereignty of the People.