Quoting from Medscape, Gastroesophageal refux disease (GERD) is a condition in which a reflux of gastric contents into the esophagus causes troublesome symptoms, such as heartburn, regurgitation and/or other complications, including reflux esophagitis. In addition to esophageal manifestations, patients may also suffer extra-esophageal symptoms, such as cough and hoarseness. Meanwhile, quoted from Science Direct, dyspepsia is defined as “persistent or recurrent abdominal pain or discomfort centered in the upper abdomen”.
Studies from various countries world show that dyspepsia and GERD impair work productivity and daily life. Retrospective analysis of GERD was conducted at 134 primary care sites across six European countries (Germany, Greece, Norway, Spain, Sweden and the UK) with 373,610 subjects (aged ≥18 years), indicating that GERD accounts for a significant burden on primary care patients, in terms of work absenteeism and decreased productivity, both while working (presenteeism) and in daily life.
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The costs to local economies as a result of GERD-related absences from work and reduced productivity while working may be substantial across the European countries. Improved management of GERD, with tailoring of therapy to specific patient needs could be expected to lessen the impact of GERD on productivity, thereby cutting costs. Research conducted on active workers in Brazil showed how dyspepsia had caused absenteeism from work during the preceding week and cut down work productivity (presenteeism). Study showed an important influence of dyspepsia on work productivity.
In Indonesia, based on 2014- 2018 National Health Insurance (JKN) statistics, dyspepsia and gastritis are included in the 10 most common diseases, both in first-degree outpatients and first-degree inpatients. As an existing telemedicine provider to many companies in Indonesia, similar trends were spotted by Good Doctor’s internal medical team. Head of Medical Good Doctor Technology Indonesia (GDTI) dr. Adhiatma Gunawan stated, “Currently there is a major increase of dyspepsia (GERD) consultation cases in Good Doctor, compared to March 2022. GERD represents the top 2 consultation cases, after URTI, during this Ramadan period. We had foreseen the trend coming prior to the Ramadan month, thus we already prepared the availability of necessary drugs stock in our pharmacy partners, and we also carry out multiple education activities for laymen, regarding dyspepsia and/or GERD.”