Friday, April 19, 2024 | 23:20 WIB

Ramen Echigoya, A popular ramen shop in Jakarta’s Little Tokyo


This simple diner is very popular. (Source: Caecilia Linggarjati)

Side Dishes 

The gyoza themselves look delish. They are quite large, and taste as good as they look: both juicy and savory. Right after, we saw a waiter bearing a plate of takoyaki octopus dough balls on a tray. “Hey, are we going to get some too?” my companion asked. 

I only hesitated a bit. With the ramen and side dishes already on the table, we decided there’s just simply no room for takoyaki in our bellies. 

We ordered cold ocha black tea to reduce the saltiness and heat and thirst of that day’s lunch. Unfortunately, our waiter informed us that we can only get one ocha refill instead of unlimited refills like in most other Japanese diners. Oh well. 

Recalling our queue, we immediately paid and left after we finished our meal to let other waiting diners get in and eat. We decided to hang out in another stall in the M Block area for dessert. It was a good day. (Caecilia Linggarjati)


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