Saturday, April 20, 2024 | 01:03 WIB

Precise medication – the future of medical service


Doctors hand holding pen and report health examination results,
Doctors hand holding pen and report health examination results, recommend medication to patients in arm accident. (Source: Stikes HB)

Cost Efficiency 

Currently, 10.6 % o f Indonesia’s population (19.47 million people) suffer from diabetes, with a continuously increasing trend and more than 30% of the afflicted not achieving desired results from treatment. “The application of precise medication to diabetics can be seen in the current effort of making a more detailed grouping of patients into multiple subgroups, based on the combination of their genetic characteristics and clinical condition. With such a detailed grouping, medication can be administered more specifically to members of each group. Furthermore, diabetes patients are prescribed medications more specifically and precisely, according to their suitability. We hope to provide more optimum diabetes treatment using this combined effort,” he said. 

Precise medication is also prescribed for the most frequent thyroid illnesses, including hyperthyroid, hypothyroid, and thyroid lumps. Genetic checks and multiple sophisticated laboratory checks are performed for the sake of a deeper delving in the studies, and test results are combined with various other characteristics possessed by the patient to determine the best course of action – for example, whether to surgically correct or excise a thyroid lump or not. 

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At the end of her lecture, dr. Dante states that Indonesia needs to prepare, implement, and contribute to precise medication. Such an effort can be made by, among others, more widespread genetic testing, whether in terms of research or treatment. Technological development is allowing this to happen, among others by the invention of ever-cheaper methods of genetic testing. The genetic data is then combined with a patient’ so their characteristics, which will allow precise medication to be implemented throughout the Indonesian population. This will provide us all with more effective, safer, and more cost-efficient medical service. (est)


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