Wednesday, September 18, 2024 | 14:32 WIB

Police chief urged to audit excessive number of aides assigned to wives of police senior officers


A 40th day vigil for Brigadier Josua Hutabarat. Photo credit: Hendra/IO

“LBH Apik warns that there is a power relationship in cases of sexual violence. Which relationship factors are more dominant in Putri Candrawathi (wife of murder suspect Insp. Gen. Ferdy Sambo) with Brigadier J, social status, police culture, all of these factors need to be considered. So we need to be cautious in jumping to the conclusion in this case,” said Nursyahbani.

She also urged Komnas Perempuan and the National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM) to play a strategic role in dismantling the “root causes” within the Polri institution and to encourage serious reforms within the police organization, particularly relating to the handling of sexual violence cases after the ratification of the law on the elimination of sexual violence (UU TPKS).

Finally, Nursyahbani hopes that those in authority can really work independently, transparently, credibly and accountably so they can reveal the real motive behind the killing of Brigadier J, and not misled by the cover-up scenario designed to justify the murder. The case will become a litmus test of police independency.

Read: Chief Brigadier RR’s attorney: My client should be a witness

“Justice must be delivered, especially for the victim’s family because Brigadier J has been murdered in a cruel manner and there are massive efforts to cover up the truth. As we know, several general and senior police officers have been implicated,” concluded Nursyahbani. (rr)


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