Pneumonia Risk Factors
Pneumonia risk among babies rises when the baby does not exclusively get mother’s milk, is frequently and/or extensively exposed to aerial pollution, including indoor cigarette smoke, is malnourished, or does not obtain the rest of the basic immunization regime. They also run a higher risk of lower birth weight.
PCV immunization is performed intramuscularly, i.e. by injecting the inside of the left thigh with 0.5 ml of vaccine. It has 3 doses: when the baby is 2 months old, 3 months old, and 12 months old, respectively. It may be combined with other vaccines (double immunization). For example, babies two months old may be given pentavalent DPT-HB-Hib immunization and oral polio immunization alongside PCV. These two preventive vaccines are now part of Indonesia’s routine immunization program for children.
Parents need not be anxious, as double vaccination is safe as well as efficient. By administering double vaccination, they obtain immunization against several diseases simultaneously, in that single visit. PCV immunization is available in Integrated Health Service Posts (“Posyandu”), Community Clinics (“Puskesmas”), as well as other health facilities – hospitals, clinics, independent doctor practices, and independent obstetrician or midwife practices.
Separately, Ministry of Health’s Director General of the Prevention and Control of Communicable Diseases, Maxi Rein Rondonuwu, confirms that we have sufficient stock of PCV vaccine. This free vaccine is safe: other than having had WHO recommendation, it has also passed Food and Drug Control Agency (Badan Pengawasan Obat dan Makanan – “BPOM”) clinical tests. (est)