Jakarta, IO – The National Nutrition Agency, which will play a central role in implementing Prabowo-Gibran administration’s signature free nutritious meals (MBG) program has been preparing the necessary human and physical infrastructure to enable it to work efficiently and effectively.
Headed by Dadan Hindayana, it was established by President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo on August 15. “We are still sorting everything out, the office, the human resource, et cetera. Hopefully they will be ready soon,” said Dadan, as per CNN Indonesia, Mon (26/8).
Dadan said he met with the Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform Minister Abdullah Azwar Anas on Friday (23/8) to discuss the organizational structure of the agency.
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“We will begin to execute the MBG program for schoolchildren and Islamic boarding school students in January 2025. The government has appropriated Rp71 trillion of fund for the program,” said Dadan. (un)